When thinking about trustworthiness it is not enough to think of the trustworthiness of a component, be it hardware or software or a technology like AI, since trust in the outcome and the consequences depend on the entire system. This system consists of the organization and people who have accountability and maintain governance, the architecture, design, and technologies which must have sufficient quality, and the processes used that relate to the integrity and sustainability of the system.
A system also includes the external environment and all that it entails, including expectations, influence, rules, regulations and so on. As an example, privacy expectations can influence whether a system is viewed as trustworthy.
The following picture summarizes this:
You can learn more about Trustworthiness in the Trustworthiness issue of the IIC Journal of Innovation, the Software Trustworthiness Best Practices white paper and the Managing and Assessing Trustworthiness for IIoT in Practice white paper.